Let Mosquito Magnet Find Hidden Mosquitoes

mosquito controlpest control

Have you ever been disturbed by mosquitoes, tried many ways to kill them but never worked? Mosquito coil is not good for your health, and electric mosquito racket not only wastes your time, but sometimes when you pick it up, mosquitoes have disappeared. Do you want to find a better way to control mosquitoes? Have you ever heard of home mosquito trap that really works?

mosquito treatmentMosquitoes fly at about two kilometres per hour (1.2mph), which sounds slow, but at their size it's like you flying over a hundred times that! They are going blindingly fast for something that small.

You can't catch them for a few reasons. One, they see you coming. Their eyes are big and round and multifaceted, so they are quite capable of seeing above and behind themselves. You can't sneak up on a mosquito easily.

Second, your hand moves slower than they fly and has more distance to cover. The mosquito doesn't need to move far to get away, while your big and slow hand has to travel all the way to your head.

mosquito vacuum

Lastly, the mosquito makes decisions faster than you. When you decide to hit a fly, a signal goes from your brain to your spinal cord to your arm muscles to start the hand in motion. The time it takes is a few milliseconds. But once the mosquito sees motion, a signal from its brain goes to its nerve cord to its wing muscles, and the time ends up being a fraction of a nanosecond. They think and act 100 times faster than you can. Your hand never really had a chance!

So we recommend that you choose an efficient mosquito magnet . We use more scientific means to catch mosquitoes for you. 

1.QM GS940HK Wall Mount Insect Killer 

The insect light trap is the best indoor mosquito killer electric. Trapping mosquitoes and Biting insects using simulated body temperature, the latest 2014 black ultraviolet light, odor and dynamics.

GS940HK-mosquito magnet

2.QM GP007HK 3.0 mosquito killer lamp

 As a new type of solar mosquito killer bug, it only needs four hours of light to work for 24 hours. In addition, its fashionable appearance reflects your beautiful living environment. 

GP007HK 3.0-insect light trap

3.QM GP007HK 2.0 outdoor mosquito killer

 The mosquito bait is smaller size and lighter weight, Using solar energy can save you a lot of money. Having cage protection can make him live longer.

GP007HK 2.0-Solar mosquito killer
